Friday, June 18, 2010

Berners Bay

We saw so much wildlife when we went to Berners Bay, we saw seals, Whales, and other great stuff. When people got on the skiff, they were actually on the skiff that i go on with my uncle to go fish for salmon. they were on the beach because they wanted to look at a petroglyph. When they were on the beach, they heard a growl of an enormous bear. They also were looking where in the past our ancestors lived

Funny Intro

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Global Postion Systems

The first day we got to camp we started with our G.P.S class. Sanjay taught us how to use GPS and talked about how useful it is when you are going on a hike or if you get lost in the woods. You can use the G.P.S. by tracking your steps and it automatically puts your track in the devise. To use a GPS you must first turn on the devise then to mark a way point you must hold the joy stick. Then to find a way point you click the menu button on the top right corner and use the joy stick and go to find, then hit the waypoint you named. To find a waypoint you must have to walk for a couple seconds untill you can see where your compass is pointing at. when you get to your destination it will say "arriving at destination". That's how you use a global positioning systyem. BAM!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


For many years Tlingit people have been living off the land. On our search to know the traditional ways we have found ourselves finding a lot more than expected. Things without research would probably go unknown.

When you think of living off the land, many things come to mind. Fishing, hunting, and picking berries seem to be the most commonly known traditions, but what goes into these? That's where our expedition takes place.

Traditional ways of fishing consist of going out and getting the fish and bringing it back to the village. To prep the fish you must first cut off the head and fins. Secondly, open the fish and clean out all the guts in the fish. Thirdly, you can finally fillet the fish. This is a picture of a young 12 year old boy doing exactly that. The traditional way of cooking a fish is to dig a pit, lay stones inside, heat the stones with a fire on top. When the stones are hot, take off the wood, lay down cabbage, put the fish on the cabbage, put more cabbage on top, then put ferns on top. Lastly you put the fire back on the pit.
We are eating the most delicious of all fish, the Coho.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Criss Cross Apple Sauce

What comes to mind when you think of Alaska Native Culture? Fishing, Hunting, and Dancing. All prime examples and most known traditions of Southeast Alaska Tlingits, Haidias, and Tsimtians. But what may not come to mind right away is the sport of basketball.

One of the main basketball tournaments we have is Gold Medal. Gold Medal to us is a way for the villages to come together and enjoy compete

page updated Tue, March 30, 2010 12:52 PM

tion while still enjoying each others presence.